Atlanta freakdom

For the past week, we've been freaking Atlanta at a trade show. These things are massive. These things are serious. These things are alot of stern faces and financial talking-abouts. Obviously, these things are alot of things that we are not necessarily good at. 


Freakers & this tradeshow are having a pretty intense love affair. 

We got a trophy for a contest we didn't know existed! Best booth on floor?! Hurrah!


Our little Freakerfriends have been launching off into all corners of the country! Yesterday, we freaked a hospital in Montana! Weee!!

Holy hot mess - look at all the peoples! (Yes! It's true! Despite what it may look like, those are all people!)

And to keep up the freak demand, we've been caffeinating ourselves into space! 

Booooosy busy bizee!!

Stay Classy, Planet Earf!! Stay Champions, Hotlanta!